List of Issues Released 21.2.20230920.33039
Issue Type | Key | Summary | Priority | Status |
Story | FSO addition for Vessel creation (BC14+) | Medium | Done | |
Story | BC14: As a user I can delete/edit lines when creating a landing | High | Done | |
Bug | When adding to fishing trips and deleting lines again to add again BC14+ | High | Done | |
Story | Norwegian Warehouse Excel import | Medium | Done | |
Bug | When Fishing trip is deleteed with connected FSO note | Medium | Done | |
Story | Improve FSO note list by setting filter on LAst version | High | Done | |
Story | Make sure Note No is populated in fishing trips before landing | Highest | Done | |
Task | Norway Translations fix | Medium | Done | |
Story | BC14+: As a user I can delete/edit lines when creating a landing | High | Done | |
Story | SHOW Note No in TILE | Medium | Done | |
Story | Fishing Trip Page: Filter on Number of Notes connected to Fishing Trip needs filtering to prevent duplicates to be counted. | Medium | Done | |
Bug | Note No is not being populated in Production | High | Done | |
Bug | Vessel approval code Mandatory error | Highest | Done |