WF User Profiles

User Profiles are configurations used to define the settings for individual users in WiseFish. User profiles can be used to impact the user interface and the users workflow processes.

Different User Profiles can be created for different roles within the organization and then assign to individual users.

In some companies, a single User Profile may be sufficient, as all users require the same setup. In other organizations with diverse roles, it can be beneficial to establish multiple user profiles.

Below, you will find information on:

  • Assigning WF User Profiles to individual users.

  • Creating WF User Profiles.

All WiseFish users must be assigned WF user profiles.

Assigning WF User Profiles to individual user

Go to the search bar, type and select User Setup.

On the User Setup page, insert the User ID and WF User Profile Code.

Now the user has an assigned WF User Profile.

Creating WF User Profiles

If you have yet to create WF User Profiles, follow the instructions here below. Go to the search bar, type WF User Profile and select WF User Profile List.

From the WF User Profile List, click +New.

A new WF User Profile card opens.

Fill in the fields and place a checkmark where applicable. It is required to fill out fields marked with red. Note that it depends on the company which fields and actions are required and/or being used.

To save the WF User Profile, close the page.

The newly created WF User Profile appears in the WF User Profile List.