Extended Text List

All extended texts are located in the WF Extended Text List. Extended text can both be created from the List as well as from a customer or vendor.

Create Text in the Extended Text List

Click +New to create a new entry.

A new page opens. Fill out all necessary fields. Created By is set by default of who created the Extended Text, but other info such as Language Code, Dates and Types can be added. The Language Code is default marked All Language Codes, however it is also possible to choose a different Language Code if wanted.

Once everything has been filled out, click Close to add the text to the Extended Text List.

The user is able to choose in which documents this text should automatically appear.

The text will only automatically appear if the Automatic Ext. Texts field is enabled in the Item Card, Customer Card or Vendor Card.

Long Text/Paragraphs - Concatenate Lines

Text that must be added in many lines should me marked with Concatenate Lines. It is possible to place this marking in the Extended Text lines in the agreements or on the Extended Text Card.

The user is able to make all the lines concatenated by enabling the Concatenate Lines. The user is also able to select which lines should be concatenated in the lines of the page.


See below what the extended text would look like.

Edit/View Text in the Text List

To edit and/or view extended text, click on the Extended Text line to be edited and then click View extended text lines. The Extended Text page opens and the user is able to edit the text as well as any other information.

Delete Text in the Text List

Text is deleted from this page by clicking on the Extended Text line to be deleted and then click Delete.