Reserve Pallets to Registered Sales

Demand driven selection where the focus is on fulfilling customer’s request for items to be delivered when available in inventory. The user must have filled in the lines of the Delivery Agreement prior to using this method of reserving pallets. The item in the lines must also have a pallet registered to it.

The system opens a window that displays the pallets where this item is located on. Select the desired pallet on the left-hand side of the screen (Select Pallets for Reservation to Agreement). Click General > Reserve Pallet to reserve the pallet. If the user would like to make an adjustment the pallet can be unreserved by clicking General > Release Pallet.

The line then moves over to the right-hand side of the screen into the Reserved Pallets in Agreement to Outbound box. Click General > Confirm Pallet Reservation.

Once the pallet reservation has confirmed notice the changes on the page.

The Delivery Agreement lines should then have been reserved, indicated from the bold and green.

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