

In the Delivery Agreement there are several reports the user is able to choose from. Most of the reports are found under Reports in the ribbon of the Delivery Agreement.

Send Email

Send the selected delivery agreement report as e-mail.


Prepare to print the document. A report request window for the document opens where the user can specify what to include on the print-out.

Packing List

Prepare to print the packing list. A report request window for the document opens where the user can specify what to include on the print-out.

Packing List - Email

Prepare to e-mail the packing list. A report request window for the document opens where the user can specify what to include on the print-out.

Send Warehouse Email

Send an e-mail to the warehouse with information about the shipment.

Shipping Instructions

Print shipping instructions for the shipment.

Print Proforma Receipt Agreement

Print a proforma receipt agreement for the delivery agreement.

Proforma Receipt Agreement - Email

Send a proforma receipt agreement for the delivery agreement in an email.

Packing List Unreserved

Prepare to print the unreserved packing list. A report request window for the document opens where the user can specify what to include on the print-out.

Purchase Order

Print the purchase order connected to this delivery agreement.

Coldstore Release

Print the Cold Storage Release.
