Lot Track/Trace Origin - Analytic View

Lot Track/Trace Origin - Analytic View

To view the lot for this Delivery Agreement and perform a trace from origin analysis Statistics > Lot Track/Trace Origin - Analytic View.

A new page opens up indicating the lot connected to the Delivery Agreement, as well as some other statistical information.

The user is then able to open the Recall Analysis to perform an even more detailed analysis and trace the order back to its origin. To do so, search for Recall Analysis in the search window and click the option in the list.

The Recall Analysis page then opens up and to find the origin of the lot from the Delivery Agreement, type it in the Lot Filter. In this example it is LOTTHOR. The lines in the Recall Analysis view show the amount of product in inventory and the amount of inventory sold. In this example the top line is the amount in Inventory whereas the bottom line is the amount sold. The product that was produced in the lot LOTTHOR was C300 - Cod Fillets.

At the bottom of the page are two sub windows/tabs, Came From and Went Into. The Came From tab shows where the product in the lines above came from. The item C300 - Cod Fillets came from 001 - Cod that was purchased through a Receipt Agreement (RA2300004). The Went Into tab…..

It is possible to filter by other variables in the Recall Analysis view, such as Pallet No. and Item No.

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