Actual Costs

Actual Costs

The Estimated Additional Costs is optional and only for information purposes (it is never posted). The estimated costs are later on compared with the actual costs that are posted additionally.

Additional costs, such as freight costs, insurance costs and handling fees, can be recorded in Business Central as Item Charges.

Add Actual Costs to Sale

Item Charges are entered on sales invoice lines and posted to customer accounts and the General Ledger.

Before posting the invoice lines, the item charges are assigned to posted shipment documents.

The invoiced amounts update the Value Entries for the shipped stock (item ledger entries) related to the posted documents that are assigned to the item charge.

  • When cost is recorded on a purchase invoice line and is allocated against posted Shipment documents, then the value is recorded as an additional Non-Inventoriable cost in the Value Entry table.

  • When cost is recorded on a sales invoice line and allocated against a posted Shipment document, then the value is added to the “Sales Amount (Actual)” in the value entry table.

Note that the Sales & Receivables Setup must be configured as shown below so that Business Central will maintain posted sales documents that item charges can be assigned against.

Purchase Invoice with Item Charges

Allocate Cost to Posted Shipment

Using this method will make the cost amount non-inventoriable. To allocate a sales cost to a posted shipment (Delivery Agreement), start by creating a purchase invoice. To create a purchase invoice search for Purchase Invoices in the search window in click the option in the list.

Click +New to create a new purchase invoice.

The next step is to assign the item charge to a posted shipment. Fill in the header and then click Actions > Item Charge Assignment > Delivery Agreements Selection Wizard to record the charge item on the purchase invoice line.

Select the item charge and enter the cost amount. The user can then choose a Delivery Agreement by using the Delivery Agreem. No. Filter. Once that is done, click Create Line(s).

A line will then have been created in the Purchase Invoice. To post the invoice, click Posting > Post.

Make sure to assign the item charge to the lines in the Delivery Agreement. To do so, click Line > Related Information > Item Charge Assignment.

A new page opens, click Suggest Item Charge Assignment to use a function that assigns and distributes the item charge when the document has more than one line of type item.

After posting the purchase invoice with the item charge the system adds 40 LCY as Cost Amount (Non-Invtbl.) to the item ledger entry for the posted sales shipment related to delivery agreement DA2200073.

Sales Invoice with Item Charges: Non-Inventoriable Costs.

Allocate Cost to Posted Shipment

Using this method will make the cost amount an actual amount. Go to the Sales Invoices list. This list can be found by searching for Sales Invoices in the search invoice and then clicking the option in the list.

Click +New to create a new sales invoice.

Fill in the header and then click Actions > Item Charge Assignment > Delivery Agreements Selection Wizard to record the charge item on the purchase invoice line. The Delivery Agreement Selection Wizard auto-populates the sales invoice line and item charge assignment.

Select the item charge and enter the cost amount. The user can then choose a Delivery Agreement by using the Delivery Agreem. No. Filter. Once that is done, click Create Line(s).

A line will then have been created in the Purchase Invoice. To post the invoice, click Posting > Post.

Make sure to assign the item charge to the lines in the Delivery Agreement. To do so, click Line > Related Information > Item Charge Assignment.

A new page opens, click Item Charge > Suggest Item Charge Assignment to use a function that assigns and distributes the item charge when the document has more than one line of type item.

After posting the sales invoice line with item charge the system adds value to the Sales Amount (Actual) for item ledger entry for the posted shipment related to delivery agreement DA180014.


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