Tally DA Reserves

Tally DA Reserves

After creating a Delivery Agreement and making a reservation, a final confirmation from the customer on received items and quantity is received.

If there is a difference between the information on the Delivery Agreement and what the customer received, then correction needs to be made before posting the Delivery Agreement.

Click General > Tally DA Reserves.

The Trade Item Physical Inventory Journal opens. The journal will show the lines from the Delivery Agreement.

The user can increase or decrease the quantity based on the information from the customer by typing in correct quantity in the field Trade Items (Phys. Inventory).

The user can also add a new item by creating a new line.

To do this, the user should know the details from the fishing trip the new stock belongs to.

Note that the user needs to either to add this new stock to an existing lot code or create a new lot.

If needed, the user can make a link to the fishing trip by using the fields Order No. and Order Type.

Before posting the user has to select a Reason code to indicate why you have changed the quantity and then you click Confirm Tally to post the changes.

The Delivery Agreement lines will continue to be bold and green, including the additional line.


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