WF Logistics Setup
  • Ready for review
  • WF Logistics Setup

    To activate the Logistics module go to the search bar and type WF Logistics Setup.

    The WF Logistics Setup page opens. Fill in the fields and place a checkmark where applicable. Note that the setup will differ between companies.

    The Logistics Activated field indicates whether the Logistics module is active or not and will affect the appearance of the Logistics-section in the Shipping Tab of a Delivery agreement.

    Note that there are two number series fields on this page, Vehicle Nos and Scheduled Trip Nos. A number series can be assigned to provide support to the user with automatic numbering of vehicles and scheduled trips. These fields can be left empty if the user wants to have manual control of these assignments without any additional support from the logistics setup. More information about number series can be found here.

    Hover over other field names to get a more detailed description. Fill in the fields and place a checkmark where applicable.