Upload Pallet Image

Upload Pallet Image

User guide to Upload Pallet Image

This feature provides a user with the ability to scan or manually enter a pallet barcode and take a photo of the pallet that is then attached to the pallet in Business Central. To see if the operation was successful the user needs to sign into Business central and find the corresponding pallet, there should be an image attached to the pallet.

Note: This process is mostly intended to be used in mobile applications.


To use this feature a pallet must exist within Business Central.

Step by step guide

  1. From the main menu select the “Upload Pallet Image” option.

  2. The camera will start.

  3. From there you need to enter a barcode, there are 3 ways to do so:

    1. Place a barcode within the view of the camera.

    2. Press the “Enter manually" button and type the barcode number.

    3. If a barcode scanner is connected you can use it to scan the barcode.

  1. When the barcode is scanned successfully you should see the barcode number at the top of the screen.

  2. The next thing to do is to take a photo of the pallet. Simply push the circle to take a photo, when you have taken one or more photos, press “Next “.

  3. The “Confirm Pallet Images "page is displayed. There you will see an overview of the pictures you have taken.

  4. You can remove an image by clicking the “Delete” icon displayed on the right of the image.

  5. You can click an “+Add Photo” button to add a new photo/photos.

  6. If you want to confirm the Image upload, click on the “Finish” button and then the “Yes” button in the “Confirm job” popup screen.
    If you don't want to upload the photo/photos click on “No” and then “Back”, then no images are sent to BC.
