Split and Merge
User guide to Split and Merge
The purpose of this functionality is to make it possible for the user to modify the amount of Trade Items he wants to have on each pallet. This is done with four potential functionalities that should allow the user to modify the pallets so they contain the exact number of Trade Items that he intends them to have.
All that is needed for this functionality is the pallet barcodes of the pallets that are being modified.
Step by step guide
Click on “Split and Merge” function in the main menu. The “Split and Merge” page is displayed.
Here you have three ways of inputting a barcode.
Use a handheld scanner to scan the barcode.
Press the input field and manually type the barcode number.
Press the camera icon and then point the camera towards the barcode. (This is only possible if there is no barcode scanner connected.)
If a valid barcode is used, information about the pallet will be displayed along with the possible functionalities for that pallet, the amount of Items on the Pallet determines what functionalities can be performed. For example it is not possible to merge from an empty pallet.
The guide to each function will continue from here.
Merge to Another Pallet
This functionality allows the user to move all Trade Items from one pallet to another.
Press the “Merge to another Pallet”.
Then you get to the screen where you have to scan, manually input or use the camera to input the destination pallet barcode.
Once that has been done you see the transfer of pallets that is about to happen, both pallets contain 50 TIs and after this merge the destination pallet (Pallet No. 00022) will contain all 100 TIs.
For the change to take place you simply need to press the “Confirm” button.
Once confirmed, you are returned to the opening interface of “Split and Merge” and can see how the pallet looks after this change. Now it contains no Trade Items and no boxes like the image displays and then the only operation available is “Add TIs to Pallet”.
Add TIs to Pallet
This function allows the user to add Trade Items to the selected Pallet.
To demonstrate this functionality I am going to add the 50 TIs I merged to pallet 00022 to pallet 00023 (Currently pallet 00022 contains 100 TIs and pallet 00023 contains 50 TIs, after this 50 of the 100 TIs on 00022 should be moved to 00023).
After scanning in the barcode for pallet 00023, you press “Add TIs to Pallet”
Then you get to the screen where you can scan, manually input or use the camera to input the barcode of the pallet you want to take TIs from.
When you have done that a list of TIs from that pallet appears where you can select the Trade Items you want to add to the pallet, in this example I am moving 50 TIs (from pallet 00022 => 00023).
When you hit the “Confirm” button a confirmation pop up appears and when you press “Yes” on that confirmation the move of TIs takes place in the system.
Then you are once again returned to the opening interface of “Split and Merge” and can see how the pallet looks after this change. Now it contains 100 Trade Items and 100 boxes like the image displays.
Remove TIs from Pallet
This function allows the user to remove Trade Items from the selected Pallet.
I will be removing the 50 TIs I just added to pallet 00023, continuing from the Image displayed above.
Press the “Remove TIs from Pallet”.
Then you will see a screen containing information about the pallet along with a list of the Trade Items on the pallet. You simply want to select the TIs you wish to remove from the pallet and hit “Confirm”.
Again you are then returned to the opening interface of “Split and Merge” where you can see how the pallet looks after this change. Now it only contains 50 Trade Items and 50 boxes.
Split to another Pallet
This function allows the user to split a Trade Item and place the selected amount of boxes to another pallet.
I will be splitting the 50 boxes on the pallet displayed above (pallet 00023), and place 20 of these 50 boxes back on pallet 00022. Again I will be continuing from the Image displayed above.
Press “Split to another Pallet”.
Then you get to the screen where you have to scan, manually input or use the camera to input the destination pallet barcode.
After that you see info about the pallet you are splitting from and an input field where you select the amount of TIs you want to move to the destination pallet (in this demonstration, pallet 00022).
Hit “Confirm” and the move takes place and you are returned to the opening interface of “Split and Merge” where you can see how the pallet looks after this change. Now we have split 20 boxes from the pallet and therefor 30 boxes remain.
Below I will also include how the destination pallet (00022) looks after the split.