Item Card

Certification Programs can be registered on Items. Users are able to indicate whether an item is not certified. Some fish types are never certified but they can come from a certified stock center. In such a case the user needs to mark the item as not certified.

Item Card

On the item card under the WF Products and WIP tab there are certification related fields, Certification Process and Valid Certifications. These fields are vital to the setup. There are three options in the Certification Process field:

  • Blank - This is the default value and indicates that the stock center is not certified.

  • No - Indicates that the item is not certified.

  • Yes - Indicates that the item is certified.

The user is able to click the number in the Valid Certifications field. By doing so a new page opens where the user registers the certifications to the item.

The user can also access the registration page by clicking Related > Wise > Certification Programs.