Hold Status Setup
Hold Status Change Setup
Allowed hold status changes are listed in the 'Hold Status Change Setup'.
It limits the changes a user can make when changing stock from one holding status to another. The user control is set up on WF User Profile.
An action in the ribbon 'Create Default Entries' is available for creating all possible combinations of hold status changes when the table is initially defined. Lines can be modified and the ones not needed are simply deleted from the table.
WF User Profile - Quality Control
Control User - On the 'Quality Control' tab in 'WF User Profile Card', each user can be set up with QC permissions; Recorder (QA), Supervisor (QA), Inventory (Hold), Customs. A WF User Profile is assigned to each system user. The permissions are then fetched from the Hold Status Change Setup described above.
Create Inv. with Hold Status -This field has four options; empty, 'Hold', 'QA Hold' and 'Customs Hold'. When a user creates a new Production Lot, then the system looks up this option value from the WF User Profile and populates it into the field 'Default Hold Status' on the lot card, and thus affects the hold status of all trade items produced from lot.
Also, this field is checked in the 'OnInsert' trigger in the Open Trade Item table, and therefor applies to all stock posted by users with this WF User Profile (purchase, production, pos.adjstm.).
If a user should post all stock into the system with set "On-Hold" status, then configure the applicable hold status in his user profile.
If a user should only post occasional stock into the system with an "On-Hold" status, then leave the option value blank on the user profile and control the status for individual production lots.
QA Hold Lead Time Reason -See below chapter 'Item card' -> 'QA Hold Lead Type (Days)'.
Item card
QA Hold Lead Type (Days)
A 'QA Hold Lead Type (Days)' can be defined in the 'WF Products and WIP' field on the item card.
If a 'QA Hold Lead Time (Days)' number is entered for a product that is produced to a Production Lot with 'Production Type' = 'Production' or 'Contracting', then the Trade Items are created in stock with 'Hold Status' = 'QA Hold'. Also, a Comment is made for each Trade Item record, stating a 'QA Hold Lead Time Reason' that is fetched from the WF User Profile of the user posting the production.