Calculate Invoice Discount
A user can give a customer a discount on the total amount of an invoice by setting that discount on the customer card of the relevant customer.
Customer Discount
Click on Customers on the home page. It is also possible to search for it in the search window.
On the customer card, click Related > Prices and Discounts > Invoice Discounts.
A new page opens where the user can enter information regarding the invoice discount for the customer. Different invoice discounts can be set up depending on the currency defined in the delivery agreement but the user can only have one installation for each and every currency. On that same page, the user can also choose whether they always want to give the customer some discount regardless of the amount of the sale, the discount percentage and whether the user should collect a service fee, which would then be deducted from the discount and appear as a separate line at the top of the delivery agreement lines.
Once the invoice discount has been set up, the user can either create a new delivery agreement or open an existing delivery agreement (make to select the correct customer with the discount). When the delivery Agreement is ready, the user must first release. To see how to release a delivery Agreement, click here.
Once the agreement has received the status Released, click on Actions > General > Other > Calculate Invoice Discount.