Partial Selection of Pallet
A demonstration on how to partially reserve from a pallet using the splitting functionality provided by the pallet reservation worksheet, will be shown. Keep in mind, regarding this split-functionality, that it is primarily thought of as an additional support for the user to handle the exceptions which arises in his environment for selecting individual trade items from a pallet – Like happens in the circumstances where certain customer enjoys the courtesy and good-will of being served with a portion of a pallet.
Using the same Delivery Agreement as demonstrated in the previous chapter, the last pallet (previously confirmed as reserved – displayed as bolded) has been released from reservation using the Release Pallet action in the reservation worksheet.
As a result, the pallet appears back again in the left-hand section of the reservation worksheet as an indication for its availability for reservation. And for demonstration purposes, we reserve it straight again using the Reserve Pallet action to show the splitting functionality:
Afterwards, the selected pallet appears as an unconfirmed pallet outbound entry (displayed without being bolded) in the right-hand section of the reservation worksheet, as shown in the Reserved Pallets in Agreement to Outbound list:
Configuring Quantity to Reserve
The next step is to decide how much of the quantity on the pallet to reserve by registering a number of trade items into a specific field named No. of TIs (Base) To Remove from Pallet, indicating the quantity to split from the pallet and reserve into the agreement:
The red color is intended to emphasize the split-action still being incomplete.
If the reservation worksheet is closed before the split-action has been confirmed, the corresponding entry appears back again unchanged, as the intended split-action would have been cancelled (not in bold / unconfirmed reserved pallet). In that case, the user will just repeat the step of registering the desired value back into the TIs-removal field.
Confirm Reservation
To confirm the splitting of the pallet, the Confirm Pallets Reservation action is applied from the action ribbon of the reservation worksheet, which will process the split:
Notice the value Without Pallet appearing in the first column, Related Open Trade Items Palletization Type, as an indication of a partial selection of a pallet and confirmed reservation by the split-action, besides pallet’s barcode is no longer exist in the second column of the screen.
Related to the outbound entry, the reserved trade items behind it no longer belong to the pallet (they were previously allocated to) after the split-action, represented as a split from the pallet.
Notice also that if those splits are released from reservation, then they will become unavailable to the pallet reservation method, obviously as they no longer belong to a pallet. However, they can be added again to the pallet through the core functionality provided by the pallet management.
The pallet no. is although preserved in the outbound entry from the split-action as a reference to their pallet’s origin. And can be utilized further for any kind of reporting purposes afterwards, if desired.
And when the worksheet is closed, the Delivery Agreement lines will have turned green and bold.