Suggest TIs Reservation

Suggest TIs Reservation

The suggest trade items to reservation action is similar to reserving the trade items to registered sale however this allows the user to do an automated demand driven selection. The focus is still on fulfilling the customer’s request for the items to be delivered when available in inventory.

Prior reserving the Trade Items through suggestion, the Delivery Agreement status must be Released. Additionally, the user must have filled out the Delivery Agreement Lines with the Item(s) that are going to be sold.

The Suggest TIs Reservation is an action under Demand-Driven Reservation.

Once clicked, the user will be asked whether or not the system should make a suggestion for the reservation of Trade Items into the Delivery Agreement in question. Click Yes.

The system will have then reserved the suggested Trade Items. Click on the back arrow in the left-hand corner.

To confirm that the Trade Items were reserved the Delivery Agreement Line(s) should be bold and green.

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