Reserve TIs to Registered Sales

Reserve TIs to Registered Sales

The reserve trade items to registered sale action allows the user to do a demand driven selection where the focus is on fulfilling customer’s requests for items to be delivered when available in inventory.

Go to Demand-Driven Reservation > Reserve TIs to Registered Sale. For this example, the customer has demanded 10 trade items (See Delivery Agreement below).

The Process

Click Demand-Driven Reservation > Reserve TIs to Registered Sale.

The system opens a page that displays the trade items available in the system. In this example the customer is demanding 10 trade items of item C300. Highlighted in yellow below are the trade items available. Select a line > Click Open Trade Items > Reserve Trade Item.

The selected line will then move from the left-hand side box (Open Trade Items for Selection) to the right-hand side box (Selected Trade Items for Outbound).

Since the customer only demanded 10 trade items and there are 20 in this line the quantity needs to be adjusted. Click on Selected Trade Items > Edit Selected Qty on Trade Item.

The system will open another page. To change the quantity from 20 to 10 the user must erase “20” and type in “10” in the No. of Units field. Then click OK.

The system then returns 10 trade items back to the left-hand side box (Open Trade Items for Selection) and leaves 10 trade items in the right-hand side box (Selected Trade Items for Outbound). Close the page.

The lines in the Delivery Agreement will then have turned bold and green and the Delivery Agreement can be released and posted.

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