Business Central Settings

Business Central Settings

This page describes some basic setup in Business Central and how it affects the functionality of Stream. Some settings are recommended in order to let Stream function in the most appropriate way.

Recommended Setup

Wisefish Warehouse Setup

On this card, the recommended settings are:

  • Disallow Pallet Insertion Overreaching Bin Capacity - put a checkmark here to prevent putting pallets into bins that are full, according to the pallets' registered locations.

  • Whse. Picking Completion Method - set this to manual, to prevent the system from automatically set picking finished when all pallets have been loaded. When Manual, the warehouse worker can control when the Picking Status is changed, by using the button “Finish Picking” in Stream.


Logistics Setup

In this page, there are various fields that control how shipping works, like Scheduled Trips and Transport Units.


The main fields to consider regarding Stream are the following:

  • Logistics Activated - put a checkmark here to use Transport Units

  • Restrict Access to Transport Unit Wizard - usually this would not be checked, to make the wizard available for users

  • Auto Release Transport Unit - put a checkmark here to let Transport Units be released when the agreement is released. They need to be released to become visible in Stream.

  • Scheduled Trip Mandatory in Releasing of a Delivery Agreement - put a checkmark here to force the users to create the Scheduled Trip before releasing the agreement.

  • Auto-Create Scheduled Trip in Releasing of a Delivery Agreement - put a checkmark to let the system create the Scheduled Trip automatically for sales shipments.

  • Auto-Create Scheduled Trip in Releasing of a Storage Shipment Agreement - put a checkmark to let the system create the Scheduled Trip automatically for storage shipments.


User Profiles

Tab: Warehouse

For warehouse workers that do shipping, these settings are recommended:

  • Location Code is used, to only show agreements in Stream that belong to the location where that particular warehouse worker is located. This field is optional.

  • Zone Code is given, in order to make possible to use default bins. This field should always be used with Stream.

  • (The fields on the right side of the Warehouse tab are not used by Stream.)

Tab: Stream Mobile Setup

In order to use the two-step picking process the WF User Profiles are used. Two profiles must be created like this:

  • The “inside” warehouse worker must have a Default Loading TU Bin Code with Type = Gate Outbound

  • The “outside” warehouse worker must have Default Loading TU Bin Code with Type = Load and Ship.

For one-step picking:

  • The warehouse worker must have Default Loading TU Bin Code with Type = Load and Ship.

Other settings are:

  • Put a checkmark in Seal Number Mandatory, in order to require the warehouse worker to specify Seal Number when closing Transport Units.

  • Use Double Barcode for Bin Selection, when the bin code is combined of 2 barcodes, i.e. in the Rack and on the Shelf / height.

  • Mark Enable Put pallet for 2 pallets if the user of this profile is using a double pallet forklift, to make it possible to do “Put pallet” for 2 pallets at the same time.

  • It is possible to Hide Transport Unit selection in Stream. This should only be used for the “inside” worker, i.e. the one who is is not doing the loading.




Tab: Delivery Agreements, Logistics

The following settings are recommended for the users who are creating the shipment agreements:

  • Field Set the Default Reservation Method for Sched. Trip … should be either as

    • Transport Unit Mandatory - if transport unit is created before release

    • Allow Without Transport Unit - if transport unit is created after picking

Location Card

The Location card has a few fields important for Stream

  • Reception Zone Code says on which Zone pallets are put just after they have been received or created by the production. For the zone selected there, default bins can be set, see subchapter Zones and Bins.

  • Bulk-Picking / Freestyle should be checked, to let the default Picking method on shipment agreements be Freestyle in Stream.

Zones and Bins

Regarding Zone and Bin setup in Business Central, it can be done in several ways. Here are some thoughts and recommendations.

  • Receiving Bin
    A specific Bin can be used as default when pallets are being received, i.e. have been created in the receipt process, but not yet been moved to a storage bin.

  • Production Bin
    The users that post production, should be linked to a Zone, that has a Default Output Bin (Production). Then the pallets will be placed automatically to this Bin after they have been created by the Trade Item Output Journal.

  • Storage Bins
    If all the shelves in the warehouse are in the same Zone, then the warehouse user will not have to change the Zone field when using the “Put pallet” screen. => It can be time saving to use the same zone, but it is also perfectly fine to use multiple zones with Type = Storage.

  • Gate Outbound
    Only one Gate Outbound bin is recommended. This bin will be put as a default on the User profile for the inside warehouse worker.

  • Shipping Bin
    Only one Load and Ship bin is recommended. This bin will be put as a default on the User profile for the outside warehouse worker.


Mandatory when creating Agreements

In the Business Central documents, there are a various things that should always be used when creating documents that are to be handled by the Stream application.

Same Location Code on header and lines

Like with all posting documents in Business Central when maintaining inventory, a Location Code must be put on agreement lines. When using Stream it is really important to make sure that the same location is put on both header and the line of every document.

Stock Centers

Stock Centers need to be set up and linked to all Storage Shipment Agreements.

In order to let Stream generate barcodes, the field SSCS must be populated.


Limitations when using Stream

Mixed Pallets

The phrase "Mixed pallets" is used for pallets which have either more than one item numbers on it or more than one lot. This is impossible to handle in Stream, so these should not be created in Business Central implementation with Stream.

At the other hand, multiple Trade Items per pallet is fine, assumed they have the same item number and same lot number.

Combined Pallets (Physical Pallet ID)

Pallets can be combined (fixed together), and in that case, they get the same Physical Pallet ID. When a pallet like this is reserved, by reserving and picking one of the barcodes of the combined pallets, all combined pallets get automatically reserved at the same time. This is logical because the pallets have been fixed together. This works in Stream, but however, the whole process has not been tested with, for example if the pallets need to be unloaded. Therefore using combined pallets is not recommended at the moment (November, 2024).