Delivery Agreement - Item Lines: Evaluation of the Estimated Base Unit Cost Based on the Reserved Trade Items (For Improved Precision in Prediction)

A new feature has been introduced for delivery agreements, for improved evaluation of the estimated base unit cost, based on the reserved trade items.

For demonstration purposes, let's consider the following example of items with different quantities and unit costs:

Where totals have been calculated, both for the quantity and the cost amount, followed by the weighted average unit cost.

Now lets make a test-case in the business central based on the example, using a receipt agreement for the reception of the items, as presented in the example here above.

But before the creation of the receipt agreement, let’s create the following delivery agreement with one item line and total quantity as given in the example.

Notice how the estimated base value of the selected item is represented in the “Cost Analysis Sales Agreem. FactBox”:

Where the unit cost is 2,55 coming from the corresponding item, registered into the agreement line.

Followed by the creation of the receipt agreement:

A posting document is created out of the receipt agreement, followed by a reception of the trade items and posting of the purchase invoice:

Afterwards, the fields “Allocated No. of TIs (Base)” and “Allocated Quantity (Base)” in the delivery agreement, will display total figures for the trade items reserved, followed by the change of item line’s color, as an indication for the reservation of the trade items:

Now, in the action ribbon “Statistics”, there is new action “Cost Analytic View - TIs / ILEs”:

Which accumulates statistics into an analytic view called “Cost Analytic View - Trade Items / Item Ledger“ with calculation on projected cost related to reserved trade items, in the context of open/unapplied item ledger entries and their related value entries:

In the cost analytic view, there is fact-box which displays the totals for the corresponding delivery agreement line. And in the title of the fact-box, there is an action “Update Unit Cost”, which applies the “Weighted Average Unit Cost (LCY)” to the “Unit Cost (LCY)” of the related delivery agreement line:

Afterwards, when the “Cost Analytic View - Trade Items / Item Ledger“ has been closed and the user returns back into the delivery agreement, by refreshing the DA’s page (F5) the totals are recalculated in the “Cost Analysis Sales Agreem. FactBox”:

Which now displays a different estimated base value, reflecting the update of the unit cost from the “Cost Analytic View - Trade Items / Item Ledger“ previously.

Notice how the “Contrib. Margin %” has updated from 15,0% to 16,7%.

Automating the update of the unit cost using the “Update Estimated Cost” action from the the “Cost Analysis Sales Agreem. FactBox

In the “Agreements” field-group in the “WiseFish Setup”, a new flag “Sales Agr.: Auto-Update Unit Cost via Cost Analytic View - TI/ILE“ has been introduced:

Which activates an automated update of the unit cost, for each item line within a delivery agreement containing reserved trade items, whenever the user runs the “Update Estimated Costs” action (shortcut key: Ctrl+U) from the “Cost Analysis Sales Agreem. FactBox”: