WF Warehouse - How to produce a pallet with pre-configured assigned zone and bin

In beforehand, at the stage of the initialization of the WF Warehouse, be sure that “Trade Item Identification Prerequisites“ = Barcodes (Pallet), in the “Storage Agreements” field-group within the “WiseFish Setup”:

In the setup of the location card, where the production takes place, assign the designated “Reception Zone Code (Trade Item)”, in the “WF Warehouse“ field-group:

In the configuration of the corresponding reception zone, assign the “Initial Output Bin (Production)“ field with its designated bin;

Now, when the user posts a trade item output journal, with the “Pallet Separator” field assigned, to the corresponding location:

The system posts a trade item to a pallet, where fields “Zone Code” and “Bin Code” have been assigned with their designated values