Delivery Agreement / Logistics - Reservation Method for Scheduled Trip: Allow Without Transport Unit and Preserve Scheduled Trip Info

In a nut shell, when the “Allow Without Transport Unit and Preserve Scheduled Trip Info”-option has been assigned to the “Reservation Method for Scheduled Trip” field in a delivery agreement, the intention of this method is to have the corresponding trade items assigned with a specific scheduled trip number in beforehand – For instance at the stage of reception via receipt agreement.

Afterwards, when making reservations into a delivery agreement, the “Allow Without Transport Unit and Preserve Scheduled Trip Info”-option supports the user to allocate trade items back and forth into the reservation, without tempering with the “Scheduled Trip No.” assignment – Which relates to the term “Preserve Scheduled Trip Info” within the caption of the option-value.


When a sales agreement has the “Allow Without Transport Unit and Preserve Scheduled Trip Info”-option set for the “Reservation Method for Scheduled Trip” and has a scheduled trip no. assigned to it:

By opening the trade item reservation, there is a option for a “Scheduled Trip No. Filter” available, which will be assigned to the value from the sales agreement header, to be applied on the “Open Trade Items for Selection” list (on the lower left-hand side of the page):

When the user creates a posting document, there is an error check on the reserved trade items, in the context of the “Allow Without Transport Unit and Preserve Scheduled Trip Info”-option within corresponding delivery agreement. And if there is a mismatch between the scheduled trip assigned to the agreement and the scheduled trip assigned to the reserved trade items, following error message appears: